"13 reasons why" is a novel by Jay Asher that was published on oct, 18,2007. This year, Netflix decided to make a TV series out of it. The show got a lot of fuss from many people and it’s been the top topic in today’s conversations. I haven’t read the book and I haven’t even finished watching the show but this subject and this show is making me questions so many things.
It’s about a girl in high school who commits suicide. She doesn’t leave any note behind her but instead, she leaves tapes. Tapes that she recorded the reasons why she killed herself on them. And she asks people to pass them down to the next person. While some people are trying to forget about this whole thing that happened, others are feeling guilty and wanting everyone to feel the same way with them. Her parents are also falling apart because they have no idea why their one and only daughter decided to do this. They keep on looking for closure while the kids at school are hiding the tapes away and not talking about them. Along with all that, Hannah’s family, the girl who committed suicide, and her High School are in this huge lawsuit against each other.
Watching "13 reasons why" can be fun and all until you start to think about it a little more deeply than you should. You start asking yourself if you are depressed or if you are uncomfortable with the way your life is going or even if you are getting bullied. We all go through so much on a daily basis but we never think that might lead to suicide. We treat people badly and we misunderstand them all the time and we think it’s fine, they can handle it. But we never think that they might go back to bed and cry until they fall asleep or that even the thought of them taking their life away might occur to them. I think this show can be very dangerous and that it has further achievements than just being a successful TV show that everyone knows and talks about.
One of the stories that happened to Hannah is that these two friends of her started hanging out with her less and less and then she comes to find out that they are dating. She doesn’t seem to mind that but then she goes out her girl friend and they argue and get in a big fight and the friend ends up slapping Hannah on the face. Okay, maybe not the slapping part but these things happen in our daily life. Friends hurt each other, couples break up and people talk and gossip. So that was one of the reasons she took her life away.
I wrote this whole thing just to make sure that while you watch this show, you should be thinking about the people around you, how they act and take things you say to them. And we should always think about ourselves too. Don’t always tough It out and pretend that we are okay. There are always resources to help us talk and figure stuff out. Our life is too precious for us to take away.