I love it when people have deep, poetic thoughts. Like today when my friend and I were having a conversation about weird dreams we’ve had and he said something along the lines of "Dreams aren’t supposed to make sense because they are in a reality that is above our understanding." It was really out of the blue because we had just been talking about zombie apocalypse dreams, but I thought it was a really intelligent and poetic way of putting it. And it made me think, why don’t we say things like that more often? Why can’t we say something really beautiful just out of the blue?
I think it’s because it’s too close to home. Those beautiful, poetic thoughts often stem from the deepest parts of ourselves. They break through the walls we try so hard to put up and result in one moment of perfect vulnerability. Because what if you say something stupid? What if the people around you don’t understand? What if you’re not good with words? It doesn’t matter. Because the words aren’t the important part.
The important part is that it is genuine. It’s a little bit of your soul shining through: a little bit of your guard let down. It might not even be with something you say. It might be a doodle in your notebook or a picture you take. It might be a tune in your head that you’re brave enough to start humming out loud. It’s just the little things.
It's the little sparks of spontaneous creativity, in whatever form, that show who we truly are. They are the shadows of deep and beautiful conversations that no one has ever taken the time to have with you. They are your inner thoughts and perceptions of the world around you. They are your soul, and your soul is beautiful. Why not let it show?
I am sure my friend never thought much of anything about the statement he made. He would probably even be a little freaked out that I took such a deep interest in his trivial statement. To him it was just something that popped into his head. But that’s the beauty of it. The spontaneity. The fact that it wasn’t intentional. He probably doesn’t even remember that conversation, but it had an impact on me.
So here is my challenge to you: say what’s on your mind. Let your creativity show. There will always be someone who is impacted by it, no matter how trivial it is. Your creativity is a part of who you are. Let the walls come down for a moment. Show the world your soul. You might just give someone something deep to think about.
And to my friend who was the inspiration for this article, thank you. Thank you for giving me something to think about. Thank you for inspiring me to let my creativity show. Keep saying beautiful, poetic things. Like you told me, things like that don’t get said often enough.