45 Questions To Ask Your Significant Other To Make You Closer Than Ever | The Odyssey Online
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45 Questions To Ask Your S.O. To Bring You Closer, Whether You're Quarantined Together Or Apart

We could benefit from some romance during this quarantine.

45 Questions To Ask Your S.O. To Bring You Closer, Whether You're Quarantined Together Or Apart

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I don't know about you, but my boyfriend and I have spent the last two weeks wearing the same pajamas, watching one episode of "The Great British Baking Show" after the next, and popping one another's zits. Thankfully, we've been remembering to brush our teeth during this quarantine, but we could benefit from some romance.

Don't get me wrong, I love that we are stuck together and have this extra time away from work and distractions to wrestle, make dinner, workout, and just be us, but it's getting, dare I say it, kind of boring. But, to re-spark that flame, we have been diving deep into conversation and it all starts with a question.

Here are 45 questions to ask your S.O. during your quarantine date night:

What do you look for in a good friend?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What are you most proud of?

What's your most memorable dream?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

If you could commit any crime and get away with it what would you choose?

What was your first impression of me?

What's one thing you would change about yourself?

What's one of your pet peeves?

What was the worst haircut you ever had?

If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?

What's your go-to snack?

Do you want kids? If so, boys or girls?

What's the best gift you've ever received?

What's one thing you don't like that I do?

Breakfast for dinner? Or dinner for breakfast?

How do you describe me to your friends?

What's your favorite meal to eat? To cook?

What was the worst job you ever had?

If you could bring back any fashion trend, which would it be?

When did you know you loved me?

What's a secret you told your parents?

When was the last time you cried? Like, really cried.

How do you think you will die?

When did you tell your parents about me?

What was your favorite game to play as a kid?

Your house catches fire, what do you grab?

What song describes you the best?

Do you think you're more of an optimist or pessimist?

If you were to have one superpower, what would it be?

What does compromise mean to you?

What is your favorite memory of us?

What movie made you cry?

Would you live in [insert location]? Why or why not?

What makes you angry?

Did you have any pets growing up?

Who was the most toxic person you've known?

How would you describe yourself in one word?

What was a battle in your life that taught you something?

What does love mean to you?

Do you have any regrets?

Who do you have the best relationship with in your family?

Did you ever get in trouble in school (detention, expulsion, etc.)?

How can we keep the romance alive?

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