When you are deep in the hole, it's hard to see your way out. But you have to believe that there actually is a way out.
I know not everyday will be good. You are going to have really, really bad days. Days that make you think you can't go on. I know, because I have those days a lot. There are so many people who love you and are willing to help you — you just need to be brave enough to ask for help.
And that is sometimes the scariest part. No matter how long you have been in the hole that is depression, you always have the means to try to find your way out. You have to have hope. "Hope is the only thing stronger than fear."
I know it's scary. I know it's life changing. I know you may feel like you are falling deeper and deeper into the hole. So deep you feel you won't every make it out. But you simply have to have hope. You have to believe. You have to have the courage to seek help.
Climbing out of that hole might be one of the hardest things you'll ever do but it will be worth it. Trust me. You have so many people who care about, I know you do. Lean on your friends, lean on your family, lean on whoever you want, but you need to find your support system and stick to them. Hope will get you out of the hole, I promise. Y
ou can't climb out in a day, a month or maybe even a year, but you eventually will. Keep clinging to the hope, and have the courage to believe.