One of the most exciting parts of college, especially for me, was the ability to decorate my space however I like. However, for the most part, college students are not necessarily blessed with lots of space. We usually find ourselves in a small dorm or an apartment that barely fits both us and our roommates.
Sometimes we can go through a decorative frenzy and end up with a room that we feel overwhelmed in once inside. After a long day of classes and stress, the last thing we want to do is walk into a room that internally makes us scream. There are ways to decorate small spaces while still being tasteful.
1. Have a focal point/piece in the room
Having a big decorative piece or a pop of color is a perfect way to add some uniqueness and personality to your space. Think of a tapestry or a painting that uses bright colors. I for one, have a mustard tapestry that has a white floral design hanging on my wall.
2. Use neutral colors or colors within the same shade to decorate the rest of the space
Think paintings with faded colors, black and white photographs, colored photos of you and your friends, framed quotes, or paintings of silhouettes. Other colors that you can use while still being neutral include grey, beige, navy, black, and white.
3. Never underestimate the power of lights
Lights can make any space feel cozy and homey if done right. Pick lights with neutral colors that aren’t so bright that they blind you when they’re on. You can never go wrong with firefly lights or Christmas lights (it's ok to be jolly all year long).
4. Use mirrors
Mirrors are known for making a space appear larger than it is, so try using mirrors to decorate your space. They can come in different shapes and designs. You can even use a cluster of small mirrors to create a different look.
5. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box (literally)
With the trend of all things vintage, I have seen multiple retailers selling LED marquee boxes that remind us all of how they would announce what movies were scheduled to be screened back in the day. These boxes come with letters and symbols that you can use to customize what is displayed in your box and also gives you the freedom to always change it up depending on your mood.
6. Don’t worry about clashing with your roommate
It’s hard to believe, but you and your roommate don’t need to coordinate what colors you will be using to decorate your room. It is actually a pretty cool look to see two different personalities come together in one room. Trust, it’s a work of art.
7. But most importantly, express yourself!
This is your time of self-expression, own it and enjoy yourself!