By now we've all seen the same Instagram captions by now. It's inevitable. Someone thought of a clever caption at one point and now we're just all recycling it. If you remain confused by these elusive captions, here are some translations of some of the most popular caption choices.
1. "Low quality pic, high quality night"
"I haven't posted in a while and I need to remind everyone that I am having a great time and that my life is totally not lame. However, the one picture I did get from the one night I did something is shitty so I guess we're just gonna have to roll with it. Do what you have to do."
How to take it to the next level: just post a pic of white noise. That'll get the point across. Plus it'll show how mysterious you are
2. "(Event) with this guy!"
“I don’t know how to communicate that I’d like something more than FWB while maintaining my 'cool chick' status because society perpetuates a stereotype that women are clingy and demanding so I am limited to vague, non-possessive Insta captions.”
3. "He's alright I guess"
"I somehow did manage to secure a boy, and now that that has happened I must secure my position as the alpha. I still am 'cool girl' and I must prove that I'm still not clingy because displaying any emotion might be interpreted as such. But yeah we have fun I guess"
4. "Blondes do it better/blondes have more fun"
"There is enough bleach in my hair to clean the bathrooms in Dwinelle. Please tell me it looks good. I really hope the split ends aren't all for naught"
5. "At (insert frat name here) again lol"
"I've been in college for one year and have already run out of places to go. The guys are mostly cool and I can get buzzed so it's not the worst fate"
6. "I love you more than I love (something relatable)"
"This picture is definitely not staged. My friend and I just like to laugh and stare into each other's eyes a lot. I'm also trying to gain appeal by relating to the masses. Who doesn't love chocolate? Please tell me i'm witty"
7. "Take me back to (insert tropical location here)"
"I'm just reminding you of how my body and face can look when I haven't been stress eating due to midterms for the past two weeks"
8. "Not candid"
"I've taken the game a step further. I understand the joke and am now using it in order to seem witty. I had to fake laugh for an hour while strangers gave me weird looks and my face actually hurts so the least you could do is give me validation in the form of a like."
9. "Let me tell you about my best friend"
"This person has been in every single on of my last Instagrams and I have run out of clever captions. I didn't mean for it to be like this but they're the only person I take consistently good pics with. I promise I have other friends"
10. "Squad"
"These are the other friends that I was talking about. Sure, I might have only had one on one conversations with a couple of them but we have mutually acknowledged that we know each other well enough to pose together and follow each other on instagram. It's very serious. Don't mess with us"
11. "But first, let me take a selfie"
"I look good today acknowledge it! Acknowledge!"