Every Sunday morning you make a decision. It's the biggest decision of your week. To go or not to go, that is the question.
You might think Mass is boring. I was bored at Mass for a long time, but then something happened. I started listening to what God was trying to tell me. In high school, I went on a retreat and we had Mass. It wasn't you're typical Mass, it was a learning Mass.
The priest took each part of the Mass and explained it to us. From that day on, I was never bored in Mass. Each part has such wonderful meaning, and each part connected. God wants us to take time out of our busy lives to be with Him. It's amazing the things God will say to us when stop and listen.
God declared Sunday, the Sabbath day, as a day of rest. We see in Genesis 2:2 that on the seventh day, God rested. Why? Was he tired? No. He rested because he foresaw our need for rest. He wanted to show us how to live.
The Sabbath is God's response to your physical and spiritual need for rest and renewal. And nothing will renew you like receiving the Eucharist. It is literal food from heaven.
You have a lot of decisions to make. Getting to Mass on Sunday is an important one. Receiving the Eucharist will help you make better decisions in every area of your life.
I've noticed when school gets too hectic and I don't go to Mass on Sunday, my life starts to fall apart. I make the wrong decisions and don't seem as happy. God puts so much joy into our lives, and when I stepped away from that, I lose joy. God doesn't want that for us, he wants us to choose him first.
To go or not to go, that is the question. From seeing my life without Him, I always choose to go. God brings so many graces when we take time out of our week to be with him. My advice, choose him!