How do you decide what to do? How do you know what the best decision is for you and your current and future selves? How do you know how far to push yourself and how much to stay in your comfort zone? No idea? Yeah, me either.
But that’s okay. One thing that my mom has always said to me is that it is about the process. And I always tell her, “I hate the process”. Well I’m starting to at least understand what she means. When I am pondering important decisions in my life like I am right now, I am realizing how important the process of decision making is. This means figuring out what my priorities are, what is most important to have happen or not have happen, and how hard I am willing to work to make things happen.
When any opportunity presents itself, there is always a benefit to doing it, or to not doing it. There is always the possibility that the other decision would have been more beneficial, but unless a decision is made there is no benefit. It’s kind of like saying the grass is always greener on the other side but it doesn’t matter which side is greener if you keep sitting on the fence. Decisions can make or break your life but without them you would remain stagnant, which is the ultimate defeat.
I have learned to embrace the process and even, at least right now, enjoy it. Yes, I want to know what I will decide but I also know that I need to take the right steps and time to make sure that I have made the right decision for myself.
The other thing I have discovered about decisions is how in most cases, there isn’t a right or wrong decision. There are an immeasurable amount of decisions afterward to make sure that your original decision works out to the best of your ability.