So, many of you have recently applied to college and now have a decision to make. Choosing a college, or even still figuring out your major. It’s a huge step for everyone. Making these choices is a huge life decision, but here is the hint… it doesn’t mean it is forever. You have the ability to change your mind. You always have the option to change majors, transfer schools, or even leave if that is where you feel you need to go.
Why the heck does my opinion matter? Because I was the girl what from the age of eight, I knew where I wanted to go. I shifted a bit on my major, but by the time I started, I knew what I wanted to do. I was the girl that worked hard and knew what my end goal should be. I was so sure of myself and my major, but guess what? I am not so sure.
I have found something that I love. I have found something that I believe in my calling and is something I am so passionate about, and it is nothing like I originally planned.
Plans are great, and they really show us which way we want to go. I had what I thought was a foolproof plan, but here I am applying to different colleges. My entire plan has gone to nothing, but you know what? I am worried and stressed, but this is life. Working through the different things that the world throws at you.
Detours are where the adventure happens. Taking a stop and changing your course, that’s important. I know that I am not the same person I was when I was younger, or even when I started my college career.
So trust me when I say, allow yourself to grow. Allow change. As humans, and especially as teenagers, we need to understand that sometimes we are not who we thought we were. I have taken so much time in college to understand and get to know who I am. Being true to myself is the best thing I can do. And it is the best thing you can do. Change does not mean you are any less than who you thought you were, it means that you are growing. Change isn’t always a bad thing, so all I can say is that I, and you too, need to take a breath and put faith in whatever happens.