If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what I was studying and the proceeded to ask me why I chose that major after I tell them I'm studying elementary and special education I would have enough money to make up for the fact that I am heading into one poor profession.
But then again, I'm not studying to become a teacher because it's a high paying job. So why am studying education? Why do I want to become a teacher? Is it because we get Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summers off? No. While having summers off is a nice perk, t is definitely not a reason to base a career choice off of. USB it because of the quote, "Those who can't, teach". No. Actually think about that for a moment, how can one even teach if they are incapable of the task at hand. Someone has to have the know-how to teach these future children. Lastly, is it because it's an easy major and I didn't know what else to choose? No. Actually on the contrary, my college education classes have proven to be some of the most challenging ones yet, but also very rewarding and only further solidifying my choice to teach.
So why am I going into education?
I am going into education because I want to affect the future and by that I mean teaching our future doctors, lawyers, political leaders, etc. I will have the ability to shape the minds and ideas of the future generation.
I am going into education because I want to ignite a passion. I want to ignite a fiery passion of learning in the next generation.
I am going into education because I want to be virtuous. I want to make sure every student I come in contact with knows what it means to be kind, compassionate, and caring. Even if I am the only example of those things that they ever see.
I am going into education because I want to make a difference. Even if all I succeed at doing is changing the life of one single student I will know I have made a difference.
I am going into education because I love learning. Being a teacher, it gives me a daily opportunity to expand my own knowledge. Both educationally and worldly, Both inside the classroom and out.
I am going into education because I have a passion for children. Personally, I see so much potential, learning and otherwise, in every child and the fact that I have the ability and drive to ignite a passion of learning in them and can give them the opportunity to expand their minds and ideas is an exciting and honorable opportunity in my book.
And finally I am going into education to become more than an educator. Yes, it is true I will be teaching, but teachers do much more than teach. I will be a mentor, a confidant, and a friend.