It's that time of year again. Parents are shopping, children are getting excited, and family is visiting. December is a time in which families have all types of different traditions. Some people celebrate different holidays during this month. We each have a different story when it comes to how our December went. My family opens one gift a night from Winter Solstice (December 21st) through December 23rd. On Christmas Eve we open everything left that is under the Christmas tree, and Christmas morning we would each have a new gift under the tree and our stockings full.
I went around asking people what their traditions are, and I received various responses. Here are just a few examples:
"My family waits till midnight to open presents!" 16-year-old Scarlett Torres said.
"When I was younger, my family used to go to my grandma's, have a big dinner, do the white elephant gift exchange, and the regular gift exchange. With my family, I am going to cook Christmas dinner. We are going to play family games, do a gift exchange, and drive around to look at Christmas lights," said Trish, 32.
26-year-old Taylor says he "Drinks a couple of bottles of wine with his mother and wife, relax in front of a fireplace, and set up the Christmas Tree." This year he said he is going to bring one of his traditions to his new family. He is going to take his son to the wealthier houses to look at the Christmas lights.
Elena Stidham, 17, talked about a tradition at her home as well. "We hide a pickle in our Christmas tree and whoever finds it gets an extra present." She even explained how the tradition started. "We went to one of those Christmas shops that sell all year and we learned the pickle thing is a very common tradition in Germany and such and so we decided to try it out and it became a thing."
What are your December Traditions?