The first thing that pops into my mind when I think of December is the smell of Christmas trees and hot chocolate; I smile just thinking about it. I guess you could say my family loves Christmas too, considering we have about six Christmas trees (all with different themes of course) in our home. December is especially a special month to me, and here's why:
1. Did someone say cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, Oreo truffles, oh my!
Not only does baking mean having amazing sweets to eat, it means cutting up with my mom and sister. We have a sort of tradition where we all bake a ton of goodies while watching Christmas movies and goofing around in the kitchen.
2. Having the opportunity to help others
I'm so blessed to have the life that I do, and sometimes I forget that everyone doesn't have a Christmas filled with happiness, presents and a great family. So every year, I try to be involved in at least one project that helps those in need during the holidays. Last year, I went on a mission trip in Virginia. It was such an amazing experience being able to help and share the reason for the season with so many families.
3. Snow...kind of
If you live in Georgia, you know it rarely snows... but when it does, we all freak out! Some of my fondest memories are from when it snowed a few years ago, it was amazing.
4. Christmas music and movies
Every time I hear music, or turn on the TV at my house in December, it's always something Christmas.
5. Shopping
Shopping is something I love to do year-round, but it's always more fun in December.
6. Spending time with family
Life gets so busy during the year, but December is the one month I can count on to see all the people I love.
7. Sharing a birthday with Jesus
Everyone thinks being a December baby is the worst thing ever, but it is honestly not that bad. I wouldn't want to have my birthday any other month because December is the best!