You're walking down the shopping aisle in the middle of July, in the back corner of the store, there are already Christmas trees and decorations up. Even though December is five months away, you find yourself walking through the winter wonderland dreaming about Christmastime. One problem with December is that people have birthdays during this month! Don't fall in the trap of putting your friends' or families' December birthdays on the back burner. Here are ten things you need to know about people born in December.
Our birthdays usually fall on stressful times of the year.
Whether it is finals, major work projects that need to be finished, or trying to finish holiday shopping, December can be a stressful time of year for many of us as the calendar year is starting to end. You're stressed. We're stressed, but that won't damper our birthday month.
Sometimes Mother Nature is a real mother to our plans.
Depending on where you are physically, but Mother Nature can throw a major wrench in your birthday plans, like maybe a blizzard to celebrate you or some sub-zero temperatures to get the party really started. Mother Nature in December can be a gift that keeps on giving.
Our birthday can equal snow day.
One perk of Mother Nature though is if you are in school, you have the possibility of a snow day on your birthday. That means you don't have to wake up early and sit in classes all day when all you want to do is to have fun on your day.
The holiday season can overshadow our birthdays.
This time of year is amazing. I mean it is called the most wonderful time of the year, but it can really dampen your birthday festivities when it seems people forget about your birthday throughout the holiday season. With holiday parties, obligations, and everything that the holidays can bring, sometimes your birthday feels more like a burden than a celebration.
But we can still love this time of year.
Even with Christmas being a major holiday that can lessen our birthday doesn't mean we are going to be a Grinch when it comes to this time of year. You can't help but love the holiday season. Being festive and all of the decorations set up can make your birthday feel nice and cozy.
Please don't wrap our birthday presents in Christmas wrapping paper though.
One little thing about the Christmas season, I promise! Please, please, please don't wrap our birthday presents in Christmas wrapping. I understand that sometimes you don't have all the wrapping paper or gift bags in the world, and it is the thought that counts. It just can lessen the feeling of importance on your birthday.
This time of year our outfits are on point.
Having a birthday in December means you get all your presents and gifts in one month a year, so most likely our winter clothes are the nicest clothes we have. We wait all year to look this good for you, you'll see us on the fashion runway soon, pinky promise.
You can get our gifts on sale.
Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. End of year sales. You name it, you can find it. This time of year means there are usually a lot of sales for Christmas and to finish out the year. So when you are shopping for gifts, you don't have to pay full price for the fantastic people in your life. You can be balling on a budget.
We will shake up your winter plans.
If you can figure out a time to celebrate with your favorite December peeps, we will break up your mundane Christmas and holiday parties. We will have all the festivities you need to have a fun time and ugly Christmas sweaters are not required.
The best people are born in December.
Not being biased, but being born in December is not a birthright because this month is for the VIP. We have Tyra Banks, Jesus, Brittney Spears, and me, just to name a few. Having a December friend lets you have some of that VIP treatment, even if you weren't born in the best month.
As December continues and your plan your fun festivities, don't forget about your December buddies. They will brighten your days and make the freezing temperatures feel like a vacation still with their birthday celebrations. If you have learned anything from this article, learn this: December birthdays do not equal Christmas celebrations. Now go grab your party hats and celebrate the best people in your life.