No matter if you are a dog person or not, you know the stigma that the breed of pitbull dogs receive. The reason that these gentle giants are stigmatized to be so aggressive is because of the illegal practice of fighting the dogs. In this blog, I will discuss what dogfighting is, how it affects the pitbull breed, and how most of the pitbulls you see are not to be feared.
Dog Fighting
Dogfighting was outlawed in 1976, but when it was popular it consisted of people throwing two dogs that have been conditioned to fight in an enclosed ring with no space for either to leave. The dogs then attack each other until one is seriously injured and cannot fight anymore or even killed. Dogs that did not successfully win were then either abandoned or killed. There were also dogs that are called "bait dogs" that are used to test the skills of the fighting dog. It was usually dogs smaller than the fighting dog, but sometimes a larger dog would be used but its mouth would either be duct-taped shut or its teeth would be filed down or even removed so it couldn't fight back and injure the fighting dog. Usually, the bait dog won't be killed, just reused as bait to train the next dog. Often times, dogs that are given away for free on websites are the ones that will be picked up to later be used as bait dogs. Dogfighting kills approximately 16,000 dogs every year in the United States even though it is illegal.
Rehabilitating Pit Bulls
When it is discovered that there has been a dogfighting ring, all dogs immediately get rescued by a shelter or organization. The work to rehabilitate dogs highly depends on the dog's temperament and how they were raised. Dogs that were the main fighting dogs sometimes have to be euthanized if they are too dog or people aggressive and there is no hope for them being rehabilitated. The pitbulls you see in shelters aren't always from a dog ring, but if they are, the organization is sure they have properly gone about rehabilitating the dog for it to be able to find a home. Shelters are full of many dogs and cats, but in almost every shelter you can find a pitbull of sorts. Since they have a negative reputation about them for being aggressive, people overlook them. The thing is, it is not the breed of dog that is aggressive, it is the way they have been raised and trained.
The Past for Pitbulls
Pitbulls were not always stigmatized as the aggressive breed. First, it was doberman pinschers, then it was rottweilers and now it is pitbulls. Back in the 1900s, pitbulls were actually known for their gentleness and loyalty and termed the "nanny dogs" for the fact that they were especially faithful and loving to a child. Adults knew that their children would be safe with their pitbulls around.
Humans are the reasons that pitbulls are now looked at negatively. The dog breed itself is known to be extremely loving and gentle. It is all about the way that dogs are raised. Dogs can be raised to be aggressive or dogs can be raised to be loving and caring. Just because humans have taken the once gentle pitbulls and given them the reputation of being aggressive doesn't mean that they all are. All dogs need love. If you are planning on adopting a pitbull, consider going to a shelter. Ask lots of questions. The staff knows more about the dogs than anyone else, so don't be afraid to learn everything you can about the dog. Visit it a couple of times before making the decision, but don't write pitbulls off. They are some of the best companions