In the wake of tragedies such as the San Bernardino shooting, many Americans across the country are quick to offer their condolences to the families of the victims and seek out solutions to prevent a recurrence such violent events.
Unfortunately, the National Rifle Association's heavy investment in the Republican Party has succeeded in distorting the dialogue on gun control issues to the extent that a number of falsehoods are being perpetuated in the media to dissuade voters from turning against gun ownership. Let's talk about those:
"Even if you take away the guns, criminals will still get to them"
The San Bernardino shooters actually bought their guns legally. Just take a moment to think about that. I'm sure criminals can illegally smuggle weapons into the United States, but our gun control laws are so relaxed that they don't need to. Also, if you still think that conservative politicians are concerned about this, then explain to me why people on the terrorist watch list are still allowed to purchase firearms. It's unacceptable.
"Guns don't kill people. People kill people"
That's true and it's exactly why we need stronger gun control. Every society has those people who want to kill other people, whether it's due to mental illness or a violent agenda. Knowing that there are people out there who want to kill other people, why would we allow them to get access to a firearm?
"But, but ... it's in the Second Amendment"
Yes, and the U.S. Constitution hasn't survived this long by being set in stone. Our Founding Fathers knew that maybe America would be different in the future. It would have different culture, different technology, and different security threats. Those people who founded this great country had just come out of a war and many of them still did not trust the idea of a strong central government.
The majority of Americans also lived in rural areas miles away from a police station back then. It was a different time. Maybe those people that have such great nostalgia for the good ol' 1780s should also look into the weaponry available at that time: rifles and muskets. Times have changed, and legislation should reflect that.
"If everyone had guns, these shootings wouldn't happen."
This is brilliant marketing on the part of the NRA, but bad policy. Now, let's assume that everyone in schools, social service centers, a Planned Parenthood clinics was okay with carrying a firearm all the time. The idea here is that putting deadly weapons in the hands of more people will discourage everyone from using deadly weapons. We're already having issues with law enforcement shooting the wrong people and they're actually supposed to have the training to avoid that.
"I carry concealed, and it makes me feel safe."
Well good for you because the rest of us feel terrified. I do not want to live in a society where a select group of people get to use lethal force as self-defense. I also don't want to live in a society where I am forced to either buy a gun or surrender to these armed people who have no training or oversight. Unless you're in law enforcement, you do not have the training to take on this sort of power. Wouldn't it also make you feel safer if no one had guns?
So why haven't we done more to restrict gun access and prevent shootings like this?
To put it simply, the National Rifle Association happens to be a very active contributor to the campaigns of the politicians that support them. We can do as much as we can to debunk these arguments in the media, but progress will not be made on this issue until contributing to a politicians campaign ceases to be a profitable business investment.