October 19th was the third and final official presidential debate held during the 2016 election cycle. We’re just shy of exactly two weeks away from Election Day. Early voting has already begun and people are casting absentee and early voting ballots for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The debate that was held last night shouldn’t have changed anyone’s opinions, it should only have affirmed and strengthened them about either candidate. For the first time Trump acted calm, reasonable, and held some form of composure for the first thirty or so minutes of the debate.
One of the biggest winners was the moderator, Chris Wallace. For a long portion of time he held both Trump and Clinton to times, questions, and pushed both candidates with certain questions. There were a few particular moments where Trump completely lost his composure, but it wasn’t until we reached the end of the debate. This question especially has been on my mind since May. Chris Wallace asked Trump if he loses on Election Night that he would concede, transferring over power of the presidency. Trump’s response? “I’ll keep you in suspense.” Will Donald concede and allow the transfer of power? Find out November 9th on the series finale of America. This is what we all forgot, his mind doesn’t work as a politicians. He still lives in an alternate reality where our democracy is apparently a toss up in a grand scheme reality television show.
What scares me beyond this is not just the fact that he may not concede when he loses on November 9th. For weeks recently Trump has pushed this idea down his supporter’s throats that the election is rigged. Somehow the national election which is held in 50 individual states, predominantly run by Republican’s is somehow rigged against him. What happens on election night when he loses? What happens if millions of his supporters truly think the general election is rigged? What are they going to do in retaliation? Trump is damaging people’s beliefs and hopes in our democracy. If a large enough swath of our countries population (his supporters) think the general election is rigged and it was taken from him, what are they going to do? These are the questions the media and politicians need to start asking.
Trumpism is cemented into our country now. When Trump loses on November 8th he may physically go away, but his racist antics, message, and point of view is here to stay. Millions of people who he has attracted are not going to simply shut up and drop off the map. He has brought out the worst of the worst in our country. The Birther movement, calling Mexicans rapists and criminals, bragging about sexually assaulting women. Millions of people agree with his message, and that should horrify everyone. We have roughly 15 days until the election, when you go into that booth, or vote early or absentee, it still comes down only to one battle, two ideas. White Supremacy vs. Democracy.