The tactics that Trump and Hilary use using the democratic and Republican debates are, quite honestly, failed attempts to portray eloquence, poise and intelligence. Let's give a recap of their previous popular responses to moderators' questions
Hillary: The 'Heartfelt' laughter of hers
In many cases she responded with that laughter of hers in the most sensitive and scandalous times of her career. Perhaps the next instance will be a joking matter over our country's next immigration policy?
Hillary: She may feel 'light headed' again
Theories have risen as many watched HiIlary's so called "health" deteriorate before their eyes.
Trump: Uses those clever nick names he comes with
It is well known Trump calls Hilary "crooked" and a "liar". Perhaps their light name calling can settle down so they can discuss matters that are truly matter.
Trump: Makes comments about the size of his genitalia
And again, people see him as president. Enough said.
Trump: Says Hillary is playing the 'woman card'
Trump has used many disparaging comments toward women, especially Megyn Kelly. Women make up half our country, but he is discrediting an entire gender!
Critics around the country are creating ways in which either party must do to win the election, and bluntly, not commit a complete fool of themselves on television. This debate truly matters. It will essentially make history, and bottom line, they must crack down on these topics, especially regarding foreign policy, economy and trade. Enough with these passive aggressive comments, because our country wants to see their president.