Death speaks.
It refuses to remain silent despite our suppression of its voice.
Stop. Ask yourself, what really matters to you?
When I do, I see that I care about service. I adore change. It is the only reality. This adaptability I emphasize and share as my service.
With family. With friends. With those I do not know. I say, change is the only thing that is real.
Everything else is centered around this true constant. Without change, we stagnate. We decompose. We atrophy. With it, we endure pain, trials, and problems.
Problems. What are the true problems? What is merely created? It’s hard to know sitting in the plush comfort of your own skull.
Seeing things as they are. This is a skill that takes work. Acknowledge and let it go. This is a skill. We must practice. I choose to watch my breath for 10 minutes a day.
Death is small if we let it be. Pile the daily million little somethings in a stack to blind us. Obstruct our eye on the mission. Progress will halt. Change will happen, but through regression. You will fall into old ways, slowly pedaling up the never ending hill of worry and anxiety. One of your many peaks never coming into your horizon.
Unless, you put Death on your dashboard. Let it remind you of your hourglass. Every pebble that falls marking a block of your life that you chose to spend on something.
Are you choosing consciously?
Death speaks at every corner.
Meet it eye to eye or forget and regret.
Whatever you do, remember every move you make or don't is a choice.