Let me start off by saying that, my former rap friends from Economical Plague (Unonimus and Lotus) are phenomenal rappers. I would also like to give props to all the rappers and producers in Elefant Tusk. I also want to give major props to one of my favorite SoundCloud rappers of all time, Honee Jones. (All their links will be at the end of the article check them out for good music.) These are the only SoundCloud rappers that I can say that I enjoy listening to. As for the rest of you, “artists” it’s time to take a step back and really ask yourself, “is this crappy stuff that I put on the internet and call music really what the public wants to hear?” I will answer on the public’s behalf, no we do not want to hear your music because it sucks. Stop telling me to check out your links and stop acting like you or any other “rappers” are going to “make it big” or “win Grammys,” the reality is you are not, and what you’re doing takes away from the people who actually have a shot at being well-known rappers.
First, every SoundCloud rapper sounds the same. It’s almost as if none of these rappers have their own style. Or maybe these rappers listen to what’s popular and try to recreate that. Or it might be the fact that these rappers simply want to have the label of being a rapper so they just do the bare minimum and hope that they’ll be considered good rappers. Just stop, if you don’t have your own unique style or at least something that’s different then don’t show me your link. With all the amazing music in the world, the last thing I want to listen to is some Lil Blah Blah wannabe.
I’m tired of SoundCloud rappers that take themselves too seriously. Just because you have access to a microphone, doesn’t automatically make you a force to be reckoned with in the rap game. I have a microphone, a midi controller, two pairs of beats, and a record player. That does not mean that if I decide to start rapping (again) that I am this gift that everyone needs playing in their headphones. Get over yourself, if half of these so called “rappers” would take the time to really perfect their skills instead of acting like they already have the skills, they’d probably be better.
Why does everyone want to be a rapper? There is no demand for rappers anymore, there are so many and it’s getting repetitive. I am sick of seeing a SoundCloud link in a bio every time I get on Twitter or Instagram. Go to college, travel the world, get a part time job, do something, anything, but stop trying to be rappers. Because every one of you sucks and I guarantee in 10 years a lot of you will look back and think, “wow I really wasted my time with that endeavor.”
Check out Unonimus:
Check out Elefant Tusk:
Check out Honee Jones:
Unfortunately Lotus does not have anything on SoundCloud or Bandcamp, but hopefully he will soon and when he does, I'll let all of you know.