Dear Santa, Here are 10 things that I want for Christmas.
1. No Debt
All and any colleges student will agree with me on this is. Like who really wants any debt. Debt is terrible, debt is stupid, debt is like an annoying itch on your back that doesn't go away. I don't know if you you know Santa but in order for me to get a job, I have to have a college education? And that a college education costs me around $100,000... or more.
2. More Sleep
I am always so tired. Like no matter how much I sleep I am still tired. I need sleep. If I don't have sleep I am a grumpy troll from under the bridge. Me without sleep is one ugly thing.
3. The Ability To Eat Endless Amounts of Fried Food, Without Any Consequences.
Fried everything. French FRIES. FRIED Oreos. FRIED Chicken Nuggets. FRIED Cheese. All of the FRIED fair food. Please give it to me. Like I really love fried food but you know it is not the best for our bodies. I could probably eat more fried food if I wanted to but I don't want my body to hate me.
5. A Summer With Fewer Bugs.
The one thing I hate about summer is the bugs. I hate them so much! They are annoying and yeah I know they help us. But still please at least keep them out of my house and away from my body. I don't want fruit flies invading my kitchen and I don't want mosquitos eating my body.
With everything going on lately in the world most of us are just hoping for a moment or two of peace this year. No more wars, no more fighting just some peace would be nice for once.
7. A Satisfying Life
One thing I notice with older people is that most say is that they wish they did more of what they loved. So I want to do things that I love. I want a job where I can make some money, be happy and do what I love. I want to have a house, a family, dogs and a few kids. I want to be able to travel and experience new things.
8. Puppies
Who doesn't want a cute, sweet, fluffy, cuddly, fluffy puppy to love. And then when they grow up they are still cute but they become you best friend.
9. Money To Pay For My Monthly Rent
I don't know how much it costs to live in the North Pole but, how ever much it is you probably got it under control. Where I live, a roof over your head doesn't come cheap. And it definitely isn't always easy coming up with that money, when you have no money but have 9173238481 other bills to pay.
10. Time For Love
A 22-Year-Old College Student