Dear old me,
I am different now
Stopped caring about the words of others,
Not letting them break bones
It’s a more stable lifestyle
Its the only stable thing
Everything else is broken
Dear old me,
I am built on the damage self you harmed
Why must you vandalize yourself
My foundations is shaky,
but it will do
I’ve done my best to paint over the scars
And hidden all your weapons
Dear old me,
Your house no longer stands
split jagged down the middle
But it’s all in the name of peace
And in time, the peace will come
Dear old me,
Unbuild your walls
They have no power
You’re far from helpless
Stand firm in your journey
Dear old me,
Be as daring as your dreams
Be brave, and strong
Fearlessly express yourself
Life is short
Laugh freely
Breathe deeply
Dear old me,
Your life is difficult, yes
But dear old me,
It will get better
...because it all will be worth it