Dear little black girl,
You are beautiful. You will always be beautiful, even on the days you feel like you are not. Your beauty is not characterized by the length of your hair or the texture of your hair. Through every coil and curl, your hair was flawlessly designed and crafted specifically for you. Just because you do not have the same interests and hobbies as some of your peers, that does not make you a misfit. It makes you rather authentic. Your unique and meaningful name does not connote your social status. Your name gives those who you come in contact with you a glimpse into the girl with the heart that is bursting to share her personality with the world. Everything that composes you makes you beautifully you.
You do not have to change your ways to appeal to a certain group. If they do not accept the way you speak, your beliefs, and the people you hang around, then they are not worthy of you conforming to. Changing who you are to be accepted in a group, decreases your worth and integrity, and increases your chances of continuing to be vulnerable and being manipulated. Do not compromise your identity for the sake of your "friends"--it is not worth it.
Do not be ashamed of your skin. You are not too dark. Likewise, you are not too light. Your glowing skin is perfect for you, and it deserves to be set apart from others. Your skin tone does not define your personality, nor does it define your actions. Your skin represents the struggle and adversities battled by your ancestors to create a foundation of impartiality. Accept the skin you are in--it has so much value.
You have so much potential to be a world changer. Whether you decide to be a doctor, a journalist, or an engineer, you are not limited to the possibilities of what you dream of becoming. Stand up to those who tell you you cannot achieve those dreams because you are female. Your gender does not correlate with your potential in an occupation just because it is predominantly performed by males. In the same manner, refuse to be rejected a job because you are black. You are educated and intelligent, so fight for your right to work in the position you strive to be in.
Though, we will probably never meet, our heritage runs deep. I know so much about you because we share a sisterhood and bond that is both unshakable and unbreakable. You are more than just a meaningless nickname thrown at you, and you can make all of your dreams come true with determination and hard work. Always remember, the only person stopping you from becoming successful is yourself.
With much love,
Your sister who embraces her beautiful skin