Dear High School me,
What I would do to be back in your shoes. I'm writing this the summer going into my sophomore year of college and you're experiencing some of the greatest times of your life in high school. This letter is my advice to you and things I wish someone had told me when I was in high school. First of all and most importantly, don't have time for people who don't have time for you. If people want to be your friend and truly care about you, they will make the effort to be there for you, thick and thin, no matter what. Friendships are not one-sided, remember that. Like your future best friend always says, choose people who choose you. Do what makes you the happiest, even if it scares you at first. Skip out on the athletics, they were never your thing, and stay with music. It's always there for you and it's what you're best at. Do the after school groups and don't be scared to push yourself when it comes to singing. It'll only make you better in the long run.
Academics come first. Push yourself in your classes and don't be scared to ask questions. Grades matter more and more every year and there's no point in slacking. Boys do not matter. I cannot express that enough. You do not need to be worrying if a certain someone looked at you in algebra or if he takes too long to text you back. They are a waste of time then and they still are now.
Cherish every moment you have with your mom because before you know it you'll be packing up the car and moving into school wishing you could hug her, talk to her, or laugh with her one more time. She's your best friend now and she will be your best friend forever. Be your own biggest fan. If high school taught me anything, it's to love yourself. You might not be the prettiest, the skinniest, the funniest, etc, but you are you and that is more than enough. Make yourself laugh at least once a day, I promise it makes the bad days a little better. Take pictures of everything. Capture it all. You're going to want to look back and have those memories.
My final piece of advice is to cherish every single moment. I know it sounds silly but cherish every no homework night in bio, every laugh, every “hey” in the hallway, and every half day. Cherish the familiarity around you. The people, the places, the food, the classes, the teachers, everything. High school is the fastest four years of your life but it’s also the best four years. You are going to meet some of the greatest people in the world there. People who will teach you, guide you, laugh with you, cry with you, sing with you, and so much more. Always remember to surround yourself with the people who make you the happiest.
College you.