Dear "Fat" Girl,
You've always been told you have a "nice face" or "good personality" and while both of those statements are true, that's not all you have about you.
You have strength. Strength to wake up every morning and face a world full of people who criticize your self-worth every single day. You have the strength to carry on despite harsh words and critics.
You have beauty. Inside and out, everything about you is beautiful. Like before, your strength is beautiful. Even though you may not realize, your life is beautiful. Everything you do is a reflection of who you are; you're not defined by your size or a number on a scale. As cliche as that sounds, I promise that once you don't let other people define your beauty, you'll be so much happier with who you are.
It's okay not to be fully in love with yourself yet, but I hope you'll fall in love with everything about you. You may feel left out, like the "ugly" or "fat" friend; trust me, I've been there. I know what you may be feeling right now, and I promise those negative feelings will go away.
You need to have faith in yourself, you're the only one who can pick yourself up after the negative people and comments get you down.
Don't ever feel bad about yourself when you're shopping for clothes. You should never feel ashamed to ask for a larger size or even go to the plus-size section. You should be wearing clothes that you're comfortable in, mentally and physically. I know you'll be upset because some stores won't have your pants size or even carry plus sizes. It will be okay, one day we won't have to worry if a store has our size or not.
Don't be afraid to show your body. Everybody is beautiful, including yours. Wear a crop top, a mini-skirt, tight long as YOU are comfortable, then wear whatever you want! You only have one body, and one life; enjoy every second and don't feel like you have to be restricted to certain clothing items.
All in all, just love who you are. Like I said, you only have one life! Live it with happiness and joy with yourself.
A Fellow "Fat" Girl