There are a few reasons why I write, but one is to let future generations know what it was like to live during these times. I would like to try and help them avoid mistakes that will set them back. But, people vary, situations vary, and what might have been a mistake for me, does not necessarily mean it will be a mistake for them. Basically, giving the future generations as much insight, and knowledge, as humanly possible, can increase the odds of making better decisions. Or, at least I hope. Here is a little something that I would like to dedicate to my future daughter, should I be lucky enough to have one in the future.
Dearest Munchkin,
There is a lot to cover, and there is so much I want to tell you. You and I were both born here in America; I am first generation American, which makes you second. We can trace our ancestry back to Sicily; I hope I can share Sicily with you one day. Traveling outside of the United States gave me an unique perspective on life. My sense of pride of being American is solid – what we stand for, the freedoms we have, are like none other in the world. We are blessed with many opportunities as Americans, we must not take them for granted.
The first thing I want you to know is that nothing worth having comes easy.
My motto has been high productivity and high efficiency. I truly believe that anything can be accomplished with consistency to work arduously. And, as women, we must work three times as hard than our male counterparts to get to where we want to be. Please do not forget that we are the product of generations, and generations, of resilient and resourceful Sicilian women. You have a strong heart beating in your chest. You have strong legs to trek through any terrain. And, you have a strong intuition to carry you throughout your journey.
The second thing I want you to know is that the quicker you learn to trust your gut, the less shenanigans you will get into.
Follow it. Trust it. I know this seems overwhelming, but it is vital that you know this. You, my piccolo fiore, are your mamma's baby girl: you are a warrior, you are strong, you are intelligent, and you are beautiful. I will always be in your corner cheering you on. But, I will not help you fight every battle, as much as I would like to. You need to know what you are capable of. You need to know that you can stand on your own two feet; that you can roll with any punches life throws at you. Stick and move, stick and move. You get hit, you dust yourself off and get back in the fight.
Know that I will help you pick up the pieces when needed. As a parent, all I want to do is protect you from all the evil in this world. But, I know I cannot protect you from everything. I do not want to be some helicopter mom that comes in and saves the day all the time either. You'll need to learn how to troubleshoot problems on your own. However, I will know, as your parent, when it is time to step in. When I see the red flags and caution lights flashing. This doesn’t mean I won’t continue to try and protect you. After all, as long as I am alive, I will make it my own personal mission to ensure you never feel alone. I value you, and your opinion. I want to hear what is on your mind and your aspirations. I want to better prepare you for the real world. Confidence comes from knowing who you are and what you are made of. Self-confidence is essential in pursuing everything and anything you want in life. It is being aware of your abilities and your weaknesses, and journeying through life accordingly.
The third thing I want you to know is that I believe in you – you are limitless and unstoppable.
Whatever you chose to do in life, I know you will push the bar farther, and hold yourself to a higher standard than everyone else does. It is why I went to college, it is why I went into the career I did. To show you that if I can do it, so can you. I know you can. You are a part of me, and I am a part of you. Never forget that, piccolina. Never. Have pride in who you are and where you come from, and know that you are destined for greatness.
The fourth thing I want to tell you is that true beauty comes from being confident.
Therefore, bambolina, you keep your head held high. You are beautiful regardless of your skin tone, weight, height, hair color, or the clothes you wear. You are beautiful the way you are. The manicures, the clothes, the hair, all that is an expression of yourself. Confidence comes from inside – it is knowing who you are and what you are made of! You are a queen and a classic. Never forget that! If you do not believe in yourself, you cannot expect others to believe in you. The same with love, if you cannot love yourself, you cannot expect others to love you.
The fifth thing I want to tell you is that true love is unconditional.
Love, oh, boy. I pray that the Lord gives me the strength and the patience during the years when you are first dating. I am still trying to figure out the love stuff, myself, right now. One thing I do know is that when it is true love, it is unconditional love. There are no ultimatums, there are no conditions to love. He/she will love you for who you are and what you are. They won’t try to change you. They will travel far and wide for you. And, the moment they prove, that their value of you does not align with your self-worth, with how you value yourself, than leave them where you found them. True unconditional love, true significant others, will not compare you to other females. They will put you on a pedestal and treat you like the queen you are. And, there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.
Love comes in many forms, piccolina. My love for you will never change, no matter who, what, where, why, when and how. You are a piece of me, remember? You will forever have a special place in my heart, no matter how old you get. You are my everything. Should the day come where you experience heartbreak, and for some it is inevitable, it feels like the world is crashing down on you. Trust me, I have endured plenty of heartbreak in my life. It feels like it is killing you, but it will not. I promise you. Not all friendships are made to last either, people come and go. Some people come into your life to stay, and some to teach you a valuable life lesson.
The sixth thing I want to tell you is that what does not kill you makes you stronger.
As cliché as that is, it is incredibly true. You channel that heartbreak, fear, anger, whatever negative feelings you come across, and you channel it into something constructive and positive. Run faster, train harder, I’ll get you a punching bag, if I have to. Channel it, use it to make yourself better. That fire in the pit of your stomach is essential; that hunger for greatness is what will separate you from the rest. It is what will keep you motivated, if or when you get weary of the struggle. Life is a battlefield, you ride the waves, and live it to the fullest.
The seventh thing I want to tell you is that there are two kinds of people in this world, doers and takers. You, are a doer.
Doers, they do. They put their thoughts into actions. If they want it bad enough, they will do whatever it takes to go and get it. Takers, they take and take from everyone else. They talk a lot of nonsense and cannot back it up. They are lazy and usually super narcissistic. Stay away from those kinds of people because they run people like us (doers) down. They come off as extremely charming too, don’t fall for it. They tell you all the things you want to hear, but do not follow through. Should you find yourself in this position, listen to your gut. Can you believe what they say? Are they true to their word? Do they do as they say?
The eighth thing I want to tell you is that actions speak louder than words.
Do whatever you want just as long as it is legitimate and legal. As long as it feels right to you, right in your heart and gut, do it. Do not let anyone steer you wrong. Those people I told you about, the takers, they say a lot of things that they want to do, but their actions separate them from the real and genuine people. Those genuine people are hard to find and when you do, you hold onto them. Loyalty is important to them, as it should be to you. Make sure that you are kind always, you don’t know what battles people are facing behind closed doors. You should always act appropriately, with manners, no matter how someone treats you. You stand your ground, you defend what you believe in, but do it in a way you are proud of.
The ninth thing I want to tell you is to be true to yourself; imitation is suicide.
You are a unique person, there is no one walking this earth’s surface like you. Trust your gut and you will see that you bring a lot to the table. If you feel like something does not feel right, don’t do it. You do not need to change yourself to fit better into anyone’s life. Don't chase after anyone who time and time again does not want to be in your life. You be the best you, you can be. Strive to be the best version of you always, there is always room for improvement. If you do not like something about yourself, you change it for the better. If you don’t know how, you listen to your gut, it knows who you want to be.
The tenth and final thing I want to tell you is that happiness is an inside job.
It is all about your attitude towards life. When hard times come around remember this too shall pass. Hard times are hard because it is a time in our life when we do not feel comfortable. The moment you step outside your comfort zone, and you are uncomfortable, that is the only opportunity in which you can grow and be better. Remember, thoughts turn into things so remain positive, it is hard sometimes, but you are resilient and strong, you got this! Some people get their kicks, stomping on a dream… That’s life, like Frank Sinatra said. It is important for you to understand that depending on someone else for your happiness is not ideal – it is too risky to allow them that much power over you. You do whatever it is that make you happy. Dress the way that makes you happy. Eat whatever makes you happy. However, you also need to know that sometimes you cannot always have things your way, and that’s okay too.
I love you, piccolo fiore, and I always will. For as long as I am alive, I will protect you, teach you, and help you to be the best version of you.