Dear Donald Trump,
Following the Inaugural Address on Friday January 20th, you were sworn into office as President. You may be the President, but you are not the President of the United States. For decades, America has regarded itself as a United Nation. There is a diversity of Blacks, Whites, Native Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, males, females and people of the LGBTQ community. Even with all our differences, we coexist peacefully in the same communities. During the course of the election, countless offensive actions of yours created a divide in the Nation. Throughout your campaign you relentlessly ostracized women, gays, blacks, Latinos, Muslims, transgenders, lesbians, and Asians. A President is 'the leader of a country', disturbingly enough, you are considered the role model of America. As President I would hope you're aware of the document the Founding Fathers based this nation on; the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence states: "all men are created equal." Equality is the reason horrific wars throughout the World have been fought. The blood shed during the Civil War to make blacks and whites equal; The amount of deaths it took to make blond hair and blue eyes just an appearance rather than a superior race; your hateful discriminations have taken us back in time a hundred years. When the Founding Fathers birthed this great nation, freedom was and has been a top priority for America. Freedom of religion, sexuality, and (since the establishment of slavery in 1865,) freedom of race and nationality are a few of the the extremely important freedoms you as an American citizen are granted automatically. You Trump, have threatened the freedom of a large percentage of America. You bullied different races, nationalities, genders and sexualities. You treated these people different from you as scum. You want to build a wall so we can be "protected". Protected from what? Diversity? People relocate here so they can feel safe. You've ripped that safe feeling away from everyone and anyone who isn't a straight white male.