Dear Best friends,
This letter isn't to thank you for the dinner dates, the most memorable (or not so memorable) nights out, the shoulders to cry on, the burnt cookies, the late night car rides, or for all of the advice. This letter isn't to list off the million "inside jokes" we've had or to reminisce on last weekend's embarrassing moments. This letter is to tell you what I think you deserve to hear every single day:
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important." You have the biggest hearts and the sweetest souls that I know. You are extremely smart. You're all great at something that someone else struggles terribly with. Never judge your intelligence based off of everyone else's. And always remember that you're incredibly important to so many people, especially me.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Remember the five year rule: If it isn't going to matter in five years, then don't spend more than five minutes stressing yourself out over it. Those little details are never worth your tears.
It's okay not to be okay. It's actually more than okay. Life is hard sometimes and things don't always go as planned. That wall that you build to block out your emotions can only shield you from so much and when it finally breaks remember that I'll always be here to help you pick up the pieces.
You didn't wake up today to be ordinary. Make the best of every day you have. I know personally how special each of you are. You all have the ability to change someone's world and make someone's day so go make it happen.
You're more than good enough. You're the best of the best and you deserve even better. Stop criticizing yourselves based off of the impossible standards that everyone else holds you to. Be good to yourself. Love yourself. Have the extra slice of pizza or order a salad. Go to the gym or lay in bed and watch Netflix. Wear the dress you love because you love it. Whatever you do, do it for yourself.
It's all going to work out, I promise. You're allowed to be uncertain when it seems like everyone else has it all figured out. You can start the race late and still finish at the same time. You're gonna graduate. You're gonna get the job. You're gonna meet the guy. You're gonna have it all. You are a work in progress and a masterpiece all in one and it's okay, I promise.
You're beautiful. Just because your roommate's best friend's cousin that you creeped on Instagram looks like Carrie Underwood doesn't mean you aren't beautiful, too. Stop comparing yourselves to other girls. I guarantee each of you that someone is jealous of something you have. They want your smile, your body, your sense of humor, your long hair, or your eyes. So please do what you have to do to remind yourself everyday how beautiful you are; write it on your mirror or sing it in the shower if you have to. Stop wishing you were someone else because I'd really hate it if you weren't you.