I have written a prior article about the rising problem of objectifying others as sexual objects rather than seeing each other as the person they are, with emotions, and passions. While this is an important topic for everyone, that specific article was towards college age students. Today i want to address the younger generations. To address topics that i wish i knew at that age, in hopes that it will help others. So...
Dear Younger Me,
Why are you concerned with what guy likes you? Why are you not able to see you are not defined by who likes you. I see you plucking your eye brows to make them thinner and more "appealing." i know you cried when someone said you had man legs because you hadn't been taught how to shave yet. I also know you got horrible razor burn after dry shaving your legs by yourself in the bathroom that same night. I know you pinned up your shorts when you got to school because your parents made you wear shorts that went to your knees and the girls with the shorter shorts were the ones that got attention.
I want you to know that you are worth more than that. You are still so young and shouldn't be worrying about how others see you. First you must learn to love and respect yourself. And to never expect anything else from those around you. As you grow up and venture into the world of dating and relationships you need to love yourself and know how beautiful you are. There will be many out there who are obsessed with your body image and what you can physically offer them. Those are the people that you should recognize and stay away from. You deserve someone who will appreciate your inner and outer beauty. to be as obsessed with your mind as your body. Who is interested in your emotions and your passions.
Always make sure that you are seen as the wonderful person that you are. You won't understand everything and you will continue to learn as you grow up. But never lose your sense of self-worth. Never give someone male or female the power to control how you see and value yourself. Don't spend those nights crying because you allowed someone to cause you to feel poorly about yourself. Surround yourself with friends and family who will support you. Not those that while you think they may be what you want, are really just looking to see what they can get from you and fail to appreciate you as the gem that you are. Never let someone objectify you, never let someone use you. Love those around you and never be afraid to care for others. But do not forget how much you are worth.
Dear younger me, don't make the same mistakes that i did.