With your last day of middle school being tomorrow, I figured this was the perfect time to write this. I cannot believe you are going to high school in just a few short months. Enjoy the homecoming spirit weeks, the proms, the Wawa breakfast station, the football practice, the extracurricular clubs, the classes, and of course the people around you. It only comes once so experience it all with an open mind. I wish I could be with you this summer and guide you as you head off to this next chapter of your life, but what I can give you is an open letter including a little bit of advice. So here it goes:
Shivangi Sogani
Dear Samarth,
You're growing up so far. Some part of me wants you to stay my baby brother forever, but somewhere along the road I completely lost track of time. Now you are going to high school, and I have to say that I couldn't be more proud. You have accomplished so much already, and always strive for greatness, and I am so fond of the way you tackle every challenge with such grace. I am so proud of the young man you have and are continuing to become. You put your whole heart into everything you do, and I hope you continue exploring everything that life has to offer you. I am so proud at how effortlessly you exude self-confidence, something that I definitely struggled with at your age.
Shivangi Sogani
Keep being your genuine self and spreading kindness wherever you go. Strive to deepen your passions and make an impact in even the smallest ways. Know that in high school your friend group will change from freshman year to senior year and that it is okay. It may take time but by the end of the four-year journey you'll find those people who you can trust wholeheartedly and share endless laughs with. Remember, your teachers are invaluable mentors who care about who you are as a person outside of the classroom, so take the time to get to know them and share your stories with them as well.
Shivangi Sogani
Cherish the one-on-one time you have with Mom and Dad. It may seem like all the attention is towards you (which I guess it is right now), but they just want the best for you. In college you realize how much their presence meant to you, so spend time with them and enjoy all of that homemade food while you can.Thank mom for every time she drops you off at boy scout meetings. Thank dad every time he takes you to canoe or hike. Make the most of the next four years because they will go by so fast you won't even know what happened.
Remember, I am always just a phone call away, and I wish you all the best. Congratulations on graduating middle school. I love you and miss you.