"I'm so bored I could kill myself."
"I'm going to be up late studying. Shoot me now."
"I would rather be dead than be here."
How often do you hear these phrases on a daily basis? Weekly? How about monthly? Do you ever catch yourself saying any of these, or of the like? How often do those around you talk in this manner?
Suicide. A word that sends shock waves. An action that takes lives. A topic that no one wants to discuss. Suicide is defined as taking the life of oneself. It is the second cause of death for those between the ages of 15 and 24. Every year, thousands of lives are lost due to self-inflicted harm. We as humans can bring this number down and end the tragedies that come with suicide.
Not even at the age of 20 yet, I myself have been exposed to this horrible death sentence. You never know what personal struggles someone is going through. I had two people in my life take their lives — one being my high school mentor and the other being my own mother. This is something I push to the back of my mind because it is a sensitive subject to me. No one would have ever known they were hurting so badly because of how strong they were on the exterior. Their deaths shook me to the core. They happened within two months of each other, and I would have never thought dealing with loss would take such a toll on me.
Since then, I still come across those senseless people who make crude comments. I know some of them don't intentionally mean to blurt out what they do, but I can't help but take offense. Maybe because I'll forever be sensitive to this subject. At least once a day I hear "I'm so bored I could kill myself," and every once in a while, a "your mom" joke. Yes, I'm serious.
This rude joking trend has to end. You don't know who is around you who has personally been affected by suicide. Wouldn't it be horrible to make a joke to someone who was depressed, and the next day they were gone? Let that sink in.
Suicide is an "in the moment" action that sadly leaves a mark on our hearts forever. Any means of loss does that. Do not judge someone based on how they passed away. That family is grieving, and the only thing you have to say is a joke? That is insensitive. If everyone took time out of their day to say a kind word, do an act of kindness or smile at a stranger, the world would be a better place. Period.
Enough is enough.