Recently, many white people have been using the word “n****”, in freestyles, parties, or singing a song with the word in it.
Even worse, it’s mostly celebrities, like Logan Paul's brother, who have a platform with many younger people watching their every move.
Newsflash Paul Family! It’s not your place (and America doesn’t need more white kids thinking it’s okay to say the word).
The key problem is that the white people who continually make these mistakes seem to be are unaware of their place as in what they represent in 1) America’s history, and, more importantly, 2) their skin color.
One of the best ways of learning is being in the other person's shoe, hearing the story and truly listening. Now, do we? Unfortunately, most do not, as we see many white individuals continue to disrespect a culture that they are not apart of.
One of the main contributors to this dilemma is that many white people are not in proper environments to learn about the background they carry. The environments that many of these kids live in are not diversified enough to have someone who is black (and know what that entails on an everyday basis) say, "Hey man, you shouldn't say that word. Now let me tell you why".
Most suburban and small-town populations are lived in by a majority. The majority being of white people or on the other hand, heavily segregated.
As white people, we have to recognize that we have never gone through a history of brutality, abuse, and violence. Unfortunately, when we look back in time, our people have caused many of the separations that society still sees today. Now racially and violently speaking, we may not have as harsh of a condition or separation as before, but it’s time we accept the long-term effects that are still in place. As in the negative attributes, like the N-word, which came from that time of injustice (that white people caused). Once we are mature enought to accept this attribute, we can understand why the word has no usage for our people.