Dear president-elect Donald Trump,
There has always been major controversy regarding the issue of global warming. Some people, such as yourself, do not believe global warming is real. And before you try to tell me that you've "never said that" just take a look at your own tweets. Despite overwhelming evidence, you seem to be under the impression that the Chinese are to blame for this "hoax." I'll give you the benefit of the doubt however and assume you've just been uninformed on this issue. Let's take a moment to examine the latest data provided by NASA.
According to research done by NASA, 2016 has globally been the hottest year since NASA first began measuring and recording the temperature in 1880. This information is publicly available to the public if you wish to further analyze the evidence.
If you're still confused, let me break it down for you. Just because it's "late in July and it is really cold outside in New York" or "it's springtime and it just started snowing in NYC" it does not make this data false. The scope of this data is global. Not to mention the dismissal of global warming in reference to a single city forgoes one important word - "global." However, if you are particularly concerned about New York's weather, we can take a look at data provided by the Department of Environmental Health, which show that annual average temperatures have increased in all regions of the state.
If the current increase in our global climate doesn't seem that drastic to you yet, then I beg to differ. These tiny numbers come with huge consequences. To list a few of the effects we must deal with due to climate change: drastically increasing sea levels, more severe and frequent weather (including storms, heat waves, droughts, and floods), higher death rates (directly and indirectly), and dirtier air. If you're still wondering if it's really that bad, then I suggest you read about it in detail here and see that yes, it is that bad.
With regards,
a very concerned citizen exhausted of cleaning up after your generations mess and asking you to acknowledge and to fix your own messes