Dear Mr. Trump,
I’m not one to really dive into politics and express my opinions too publicly. However with the election heating up and truly being more unique than any other I have heard of I feel the need to finally say something. I guess I should start off by admitting that I am terrified. Mr. Trump, you and all that you stand for scares me.
I am a seventeen year old girl and I miss being able to vote in this year’s election by 6 days. I will not get the option to choose what I want my country to look like for the next four years. Every time you step onto a stage or in front of a camera I feel rage rushing through me. You don’t value my opinion because I am a woman. You don’t believe I should have equal rights because I am a woman. Your Vice President openly disagrees with hiring women and having abortion being legal.
You and your vice president could very well take away my rights. But let me tell you that should you be elected as our commander-in-chief, it won’t last. You are no more qualified to be the president than I am (aside from meeting the age requirement and being significantly older than I am). You are full of hate and bigotry and sexism and you have no right to lead this country that is filled with quite the opposite.
For a man who is less mature than a boy in middle school to run our country is not the least bit settling. I have never heard someone so publicly discuss their disrespect for women and I’m surprised your wife and daughters will even speak to you at this point. I just have no words to describe the feeling of frustration I associate with seeing your face. You have no place in the Oval Office.
Michelle Obama spoke in New Hampshire recently about how much of a disgrace it is to have someone who is trying to lead our country, justify disgusting comments as “locker-room talk.” She goes on to talk about how this isn’t politics as usual, because this is not what normal, sane people do. Mr. Trump you do not get to belittle people and try to make this immense matter disappear. No amount of dollar signs can fix this mess which you have created for yourself on the campaign trail and in your past.
I am sad that other countries could see you leading this incredible country. People who aren’t Americans need to know that this is not what our country stands for. People in every nook and cranny of our country work tirelessly everyday to make something incredible for their loved ones to be proud of. You, Mr. Trump, do not make the American people proud. What you would show to the rest of the world is not the American dream, by any means.
Thank you for listening to my opinion-oh wait, I’m a woman, so I guess that means you probably don’t care! Nonetheless, please let someone with actual qualifications lead our country, thanks.
-Lindsay Harris