I was doing a quiet time and felt led to write to my dear friends encouraging them in the hard times and to keep turning their eyes on Jesus despite the pain. I am going through similar situations and know they just need that friend who shows they care and genuinely means it! So here's my letter to all girls hurting, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Hey girl, I just felt led to write you and tell you how much you are loved. Now, I l ow you love to sing... Psalms is a great book of songs written to glorify our God, and one of my personal favorites is Psalm 42! It shows our need for a savior and how the world blames God and doubts him for this crazy and messed up chaos we live in, in this world.
It says "my soul pants for you... My soul thirsts for you... When can I go and meet with you God... My tears have been my food while people say where is your God? ... These things I remember as I pour out my soul, how I used to go to god's house and I'm protected... Why my soul are you down cast. Why disturbed. Put your hope in Him... My soul is downcast within me- I will remember you... Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls- your waves have swept and crashed over me... By day the Lord directs his love at night his song is with me- a prayer to the God of my life... I say to my rock "why have you forgotten me? I go mourning oppressed by the enemy?" My bones suffer mortal agony as my foes taunt me saying all day long "where is your God?" Why my soul are you downcast why so disturbed? Put your hope in God for I will praise him, my savior and my God."
I say to you this because in the midst of the craziness God is amazing and sovereign and his song for us is evident. It says in John 17:20-23 Jesus prays for . He prays that we may be in Him in the good and bad and that He is your Rock and was sent for you! God himself prays for us because loves us so much and it's amazing. Girl, you are a light to this world, SHINE! Thank you for being a light of Jesus to me and I pray I am the same to you because you long to be like Jesus and you are a example to me of Him and I long to be that way because of YOU! You are loved sweet girl! Remember that always!