For me, I spent the first 19 years of my life not really having to deal with people that were toxic. It wasn't until I went to college (I took a gap year before going) that I really had to deal with all kinds of people. I'm all for people being different and unique, but I'm not here for toxicity. You can leave that at the door because I'm not going to have it.
Dealing with toxic people was never easy, and to be honest, it sucked to have to go through. Despite all that I had to go through, it was worth it in the end as I became a better person in the end. I became more confident in who I was even though that took a really long time to do. I accepted the fact that not everyone likes me, and there are certain people that will use you then kick you to the curb without looking back when they are done. This one was hard for me because growing up I wanted people to like me. I didn't like when someone didn't like me. Of course, I still want people to like me now, but it's different. I have accepted the fact that the right people will like me for me, and the people who don't, have no place in my life. Why take my time and energy for people who are not good for me? I have grown as a person because of the lessons that I had to go through. I believe that everyone is here for a reason, but not everyone has to stay.
If you are reading this, and you are dealing with toxic people in your life, I want to tell you that there is no room for them in your circle. Yes, there will always be toxic people out there, and yes, you will have to deal with them from time to time, but it is up to you with how you handle them. The right people that are in your life will not be toxic. Here is some advice that I have learned during my life when it comes to people who are toxic.
While I believe people can change, don't expect people to do so. Actions speak louder than words. People can tell you what they want to hear but can do something completely different. They can say that they love you, but treat you in a way that shows that they don't.
Establish boundaries with people who are toxic, and maintain them at all times. You know you the best. You know what you are and aren't comfortable with. Do not let them make you feel bad for the boundaries that you have created for yourself. Do not let them make you feel bad for the morals and values you hold as a person. If you sense that something is not right there is nothing wrong with setting boundaries or leaving.
Own you are as a person, flaws, and all. Toxic people will exploit your flaws, and use them against you in any way you can. Own your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Become a better person because you want to be not for them.
Choose your battles carefully because not every battle is worth fighting. I learned this one the hard way, but now, I know which fights I should pick and which ones I should just stay out of. Battles take a lot of energy. You should save that energy for battles that matter most.
Lastly, surround yourself with relationships that are healthy. It's important what kind of people you surround yourself with. Removing people from your life is not easy at first, but it is going to be worth it in the end. You will be better overall because of it. Not only have people who are healthy in your life is a good thing, but also deal with toxic people leaving in a healthy way is needed.
For more information, you can check out "Removing Toxic People From Your Life in 9 Steps" by Katherine Hurst.
Remember, you got this. This is your life. You are the one in control of it.