You don't know me but I certainly know you. Ever since the first time I saw one of your videos I have been wondering one thing, why are you so angry? I know a lot of people ask you this question but seriously what is it? Please don't give me any of the "I'm a very happy person the rest of the time you just don't see it" because, Tomi, if you have to defend this a lot, it's probably time to realize you are a really angry person. I just want, to ask you why you feel this anger? What happened to you to make you so angry at the world? Is it the fact that no one likes you? Because I could understand that but you make it very hard to like you, Tomi.
Let's talk about your anger a little bit more. Did you know that saying positive words to yourself in the mirror every day can help you be more positive as a person? You might find it awkward at first but I promise it gets easier over time. Maybe you want to tell me right now that you don't need this help, but Tomi we both know you do. You see, when angry people spew out their hatred the way you do, all you're accomplishing is creating more angry people, and not for the right reason. I mean do you listen to yourself sometimes Tomi? Getting mad about a person simply not going down on one knee, you spent hours spewing your hate about that. You also spend countless hours spewing out more hate about the fact that people state their opinion, and you told them to shut up when you are doing the exact thing yourself. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is the definition of hypocrisy, no? If you didn't understand that one I'll use a phrase you might want to look up, "the pot calling the kettle black".
So Tomi, tell me, what are you actually passionate about? Even though you probably claim to be an informant of some important message you feel the world should know about, you never tell anyone what that is. Is it anger itself? Is that what you want to tell the world, to be angry? I can assure you there are plenty of causes to be angry in this world, and yet you waste your breath on simple issues that won't solve anything. So you think your helping? Is there something up there underneath that very bleached hair of yours that tells you that what you are doing is helping? It's not Tomi, you are making it worse. While you sit there, hating everything under the sun, the rest of us are trying to do something valuable with our time. We are trying to heal. We are trying to heal after someone came into our homes and took away our feeling of safety. We are trying to heal after the world shut us out. We are trying to heal, and the only way to heal is with love.
You need to understand something right now Tomi. You can either choose to start loving, or you can continue on the hate. If you continue the hate, which I already assume you will, I, unfortunately, have to tell you that hate will eat away at you until there is nothing left. Hate will take away every piece of you and replace them with pieces you don't recognize anymore. Love, however, love can heal you. Love is something that grows stronger when we stand together, and love will grow into even more love.
I know this will be so hard for you to swallow Tomi, but the first people to walk this earth were black. Yes, that is right. Please look that up if you don't believe me (but btw the Pope even admitted that evolution and religion can go together and the Pope is pretty much the highest power when it comes to Christianity so let that sink in) however, I can save you the time and tell you once more. First people on this earth, black people. You know what that means Tomi, that you have to thank black people for being alive, and actually being able to sit there and hate. Also, the women's march that you seemed to hate so much, you do realize that if it wasn't for women marching you wouldn't be allowed to have opinions at all right? Have you forgotten that we, women, had to fight to be able to go to school, vote, or even be allowed to work? I'm guessing you have gone to school, you have voted, and you have had some kind of job? If you have, thank your foremothers and the rest of us marching women for that.
Despite what you do every time you hit record on your video camera, I am not trying to be mean. Honestly, Tomi, I am just trying to understand you. Right now all I can think is that you are yet another blond white girl who will do or say anything for fame. Is that you? Because if it is then just go back to school and learn how to be good at something else. I know this is a foreign concept to you, but there are people on this world who are actually suffering. These people have given everything they have just to live anther day, while you have been handed all you have without working a day in your life. I'm sure you got really offended by that and you want to post an angry video about how hard you have worked right? Please do it Tomi. Prove me right and make yet another angry video. I think your real problem is the fact that you don't get enough attention. You seem kind of jealous of all the people who get attention on the media, because they get something you don't have. Well Tomi, like is unfair isn't it? Life is so unfair in fact that life will come right up to you and strangle you because you have a certain skin color. Life is so unfair that it will divide families simply because of what they believe in. Life is so unfair Tomi, that it will make uninformed, angry, racist people like yourself get more coverage than a poor girl in Malawi who died from suffocation because she had her period. I'm sure someone like you would criticize the girl for being a crybaby right? That's what you call people, crybabies?
I usually never write anything so personal as this Tomi, because I want to lead with love and I find it so hard to feel anything but sorry for you. This will be the last time I give you any kind of attention. I fight for the people who deserve it, and let me tell you, our love for each other will triumph over the hatred you and others like you have in their hearts.