Laying in bed right now, I long to ask you for your advice. I want to ask you about the human condition. About love and it's difficulties. I want to ask you about compassion, and how difficult it is to feel.
My senior year was extremely difficult. I struggled, and you saved me. You cared about me in a very dark time. In a time where I no longer wanted to exist. You believed in me when others didn't, reading my college essays, writing recommendations, and giving me advice. You talked me down from a very high ledge that I never showed you, but you saw anyway.
I want to ask you what makes a good educator, because you are the best of your kind. I want to ask you how to make an impact, because you made one so great, it will be passed on through your students for the rest of their lives.
The second time I needed you, there you were. When I had no one else to talk to, you were there without judgements or comments, just an open ear. You helped me put the pieces of my life back together when I though my world had died, you brought me back to reality.
I want to tell you that you were loved. Immensely. By many. For your thoughtfulness, and your compassion; your commitment to those who no longer walked the halls of your school. I want to tell you that you'll be missed.
I want to tell you that I'm crying. The thought of losing someone so impactful and kind as you hurts me. Someone who made such a difference that I can say I am a better person because I knew you. I will live every day in your memory, like a piece of my heart has gone with you. You were much more than an educator to many. I can't say that my story is unique, or half as interesting as the others that have known you. All I know is that the world will be a little bit dimmer without your light.
Thank you for saving me. Twice
I owe my life to you.