Dear teenagers of my generation,
I am not blind nor stupid when it comes to knowing about what parties are happening this weekend or what you and your friends did at a party. I just wish you would know that you don't have to drink to the point of a blackout, throwing up, alcohol poisoning, falling over / can't walk, that you don't know your own name. You may think all these side effects of drinking are going to make you super popular, make an "awesome " party story, or going to make you fit in with the "cool crowd",but it's not. Underage drinking isn't something to mess around with. Please just remember what's popular isn't always right and what's right isn't always popular. Underage drinking is against the law and there will be consequences for your actions, so please be smart about them.
To the parents that know their teenager is drinking underage, is okay with them drinking at a party / in general, doesn't reprimand their kids when they find out they've been drinking, or even to the parents that are buying them alcohol- I hope you know that stuff like this can ruin your child's life. The side effects of underage drinking are that your child is now at risk for academic failure, illicit drug use, and tobacco use. It can cause a range of physical consequences, from hangovers to death from alcohol poisoning, suicide, homicide, and traffic accidents. Annually, about 4,300 people under age 21 die from injuries involving underage drinking. Innocent people could be at risk because you're letting your child do whatever they want without setting boundaries. In my opinion, teens should be raised to respect themselves and don't have to feel pressured to grow up so fast and do "adult" things. Also I hope you know that when your teen is drinking and posting it on social media that even if they delete the post or tweet, future colleges and employers will still be able to see it, which can ruin their future career.
You don't need to go to a party and drink to have fun with your friends or to have a good time. Trust me, I am 17 years old and when I go out with my friends, although I don't drink, I have the best time with them because it's their presence that matters and what makes me feel good; not feeling out of it because of the alcohol. You make better memories, have better conversations, and strengthen your relationship with the people you are with because you are being yourself around them. To whoever is reading this I hope you know that you need to surround yourself with good people in order to be a good person and pick the right thing to do
Someone in your generation who's concerned about you.