We have all been a stupid driver, whether we will admit it or not. However, some people are more prone to being a stupid driver than others. Being a stupid driver can be caused by many different things such as being not understanding the laws of a road, not being confident enough in your driving, just being plain rude or just not caring enough to drive correctly. I'm sure that most of us have angrily yelled at these stupid drivers that have caused our blood to boil. So, here is a letter to those stupid drivers.
Dear Stupid Drivers,
Please, for the sake of my sanity, take some driving classes or just get off the road completely. Your driving will cause anger, anxiety attacks and accidents (it actually probably has already).
First off, do not text and drive. Seriously, this is a law and I should not be complaining about this. Do you not understand how dangerous this can be? It's one thing to glance at your phone or even text late at night while no one else is on the road, but then there're people who text while entering the interstate or text while riding on people's butts.
That brings me to my next point: please for the love of all things good in the world, do not ride my butt! Why on earth do you do this? Do you not know that you're supposed to leave one car length for every 10 miles you're going? I know, it's unrealistic to leave six or seven car lengths during traffic time, but that does not mean to leave only half of a car length, especially when going so fast. Remember, if you rear end me, it's your fault. So, please, just go on and pass me or give me some space.
Okay, I know, almost the complete reversal of the point beforehand but go at least the speed limit and not 10 miles below it. You are causing cars to get backed up and that's honestly so inconsiderate. The only reasons you should be going that slow are: traffic (duh), heavy rain or snow, funeral processional or if a cop is up ahead. To continue on to this point, you know those ramps that lead you to the interstate? Use them. Honestly, you have all that way to go from 0 mph to 65-70 mph and sometimes by the time you reach the merging part, you're barely at 50 mph.
Semi trucks scare the hell out of me. When I drive past them, I immediately zoom past them and hope a cop doesn't pull me over for speeding. They're so big that they can barely stay in their own lane. I guess this isn't much of a stupid driver as it is a scary driver. However, they can be stupid just like anyone else.
How much of an asshole can you be to not stop or at the very least, slow down, for emergency vehicles? Seriously, lives can be at stake and you just want to hurry on to wherever you are going. I understand not seeing them at first but once you do, just pull over or at the very least, slow down. I once saw an ambulance trying to turn left at a light with its lights on and seriously, no cars stopped for a few minutes. Like, seriously? That could have caused someone their life.
You want to know something really cool? There's this little switch beside your steering wheeler and when you flick it, it lets everyone else know that you are turning or getting over a lane. It's an awesome device and I highly suggest you use it instead of cutting in front of me and almost causing an accident.
My next point: please, let me over. I understand you have places to go and such but so do I. I promise I'm keeping up with speed, I really just need you to give me a little space to nudge on over. The same goes when I'm trying to merge onto your lane. Don't just speed up and refuse to let me over. That just gives the green light for all the cars behind you to do that and then I can't get over. Honestly, that's just so rude.
There are many other things that could qualify you as a stupid driver, but that list would be endless so please, just don't be a stupid driver.
Thank you,
A Raging Driver