Living during any type of pandemic is hard. Your feelings are valid during this time and there are many mixed emotions floating around on social media and in real life. This can all feel overwhelming and extremely stressful especially with any type of difficult situation you may be in. Considering the situation, take time to breathe. Release your shoulders from tensing around your neck. Move your tongue from the top of your mouth. Breathe. It may feel like the world is collapsing around you or like you must keep putting 150% into all the work you are doing right now, but it's not. One day this will all be over, and you will wish you had taken the chance to get to know yourself better. You will wish that you had not put so much anxiety onto the situation. Mostly, you will wish you had just let it roll off your shoulders. I am not saying that you shouldn't be scared. It is a scary time and often scary times lead to stressful moments, but you can't live the next three months terrified. Your schoolwork can wait ten more minutes or even a day if you need it to. There is going to be deadlines that come up that you may not be prepared for, it's okay. Shoot your professor an email and ask for an extension. If they don't give you one, explain the situation and keep trying. If all else fails, take the F and remember that your mental health is more important than any grade you are ever going to get. If you feel like you keep letting everyone around you down because you aren't "doing good enough", please remember no amount of schoolwork is going to make anyone love you more. Talk to someone about what is going on. Most importantly and I cannot stress this enough: take time for yourself.
Health and WellnessApr 07, 2020
Dear Stressed Out College Students
I know it all seems so overwhelming right now, take time for you.