I look at my stomach, full of happy comfort food. It is not completely flat. My hands do not trace pronounced muscles when I skim its surface. I look at it, home to my belly button- everyone's reminder of our time as a tiny baby. We often forget this period existed, a time when we were unashamed to stuff our faces and, with respect to tummies, rolls were the name of the game.
I wrap my arms around my middle, loving it, thanking it. I remember this same stomach when I was five years old- full of Oreos and my grandma's supper. For these happy days of a stomach full of food and love, shaking with laughter and smothered in kisses, I am so thankful and I am so blessed.
I love you, stomach. Thank you for helping me grow for the past 20 years. Thank you for nourishing me. Thank you for putting up with me when I eat cheese- despite our slight (or not so slight) lactose intolerance. Thank you for forgiving me when I have chosen to not eat, listening to the voices of society and ignoring the rumble of yours.
So, to you, eat cookies, because they are good. Eat pizza because it is Italy's love letter to you. Eat ice cream just because. Simply eat. Your body is counting on you. There is power in our curves. Your beautiful body is your vehicle for seeing, experiencing, and adventuring the world! Be good to it.
The sexiest thing in the world is confidence. Throw away the dirty lies that the world has told you. Ditch the compelling need to be perfect. This is an unachievable feat. There will always be something more that needs "fixing" in society's eyes. Listen to you and those who love you, tune out the rest. Because the only way your body should react to society's body image ideal is with two middle fingers.
You will find perfection when you accept the fact that no one is, or ever will be, truly perfect- and that is the most beautiful thing of all. Don't sacrifice your exquisite uniqueness to try and fit a mold that will only make you fade into the crowd. You were born to stand out child, blending in was never in your plan.
Don't wait to live until you're "perfect-enough" to do so. Dance to the song because you like it and it's fun, not because you look good while doing it. Wear the daring outfit because you're fearless, who cares if no one gets it! Cannonball into the pool in a bikini after a four-course meal. Let your mascara run. You look happy. You look beautiful.