Dear Devyn,
Look at you! Doing big almost sophomore things! It is almost time for you to return back to school. Summer sure went fast, but this school year is going to go even faster, You are probably thinking to yourself, "Wow, I am already a sophomore." It will all go by quicker than you know.
So here's the deal. I want this year to be a successful one for you. If you want success, you need dedication. I know you are well aware of that. Look what you did freshman year! Managed to get great grades, join a few organizations and have a well balanced social life. It is all possible. This is round two. Keep focused, and do not let yourself go.
The good thing about this year is that you already have a ton of your major classes done. This will set the basis for the rest of your classes down the road. Your major is definitely one of the more difficult ones, but keep going! You will do great! As for getting involved and staying on track, you have that in the bag. Your sorority Gamma Phi Beta has brought you to some of the most amazing people you have ever met, and also some life long friends.
I hope that this year you continue to better the organization and welcome some new friends into your life. You are also involved with THON, something only PSU students can understand and appreciate. You are a Captain, so you need to make sure that you are staying focused and giving proper guidance to those that need.
Anyway, you are probably a little excited for the social part of this year! Last year you were able to balance a healthy academic and social life. It is completely possible, you just have to want it. If you have a huge exam and paper due, stay in and study! You will regret it if your grade is not what you wanted. Believe me, there will be more times than not where you will be able to go out and have fun.
All in all, the most important part of this year is that you maintain a healthy and happy life. It might get stressful and it might get tough, but all you need to do is keep going! Once this year is over you will have half of your undergrad completed! Three years of grad school will fly by too though!
Don't forget it, Dev. You got this!
Almost Sophomore Devyn