noun derogatory
1. a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
2. a woman with low standards of cleanliness.
It is the oh-so-progressive twentieth century, and we, millennials, are prideful of our modern, inclusive culture and ideologies. We are responsible for fighting for the rights of those forgotten or left behind, we admonish those corrupt and in power, we live freely and without adherence to societal norms.
Although the world is seeing a beautiful rise of modern, reformist standards, we women are still battling the socially constructed standard of what it means to be a proper "lady."
The outdated idea that women must cook, clean, and be selflessly devoted to a man still rings true throughout our society, yet people are slowly becoming aware of the absurdity of such requirements. However, the concept of a woman being 'sexually liberated and free' seems to severely offend both men and women alike.
It is no secret that the separation of church and state does not exist in the "Land of the Free." Christian ideals are innately woven all throughout our laws and moral standards. One such ancient, archaic way of thinking is the idea that women should remain sexually "pure." In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, it states that, "It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God..."
If a large majority of our generation likes to reject the teachings of the Bible and Christian morality, then why are sexually active women still being labeled sluts?
For example, it is Saturday night, and you and your gals are at a sweaty, GI Joes and Army Hoes themed frat party. You all see Becky making out with a random dude in the corner, a common occurrence. Your friend Sarah says, "Wow, look at Becky. She is such a slut."
Ever heard that line before? If not, I am almost certain you are lying. The idea that only men slut-shame is a definite misconception. Although you might just laugh and brush your friend's comment off, there remains an underlying issue: women are not allowed to be sexually unrestrained.
Who sets these standards?
Why does sexual expression outrage so many people?
What does someone else's sex life matter to another?
Why does this seem to only apply to women?
People need to understand that there is no one way to be a woman. Whether you choose to be conservative or openly sexual, your value as a woman does not decrease, and others should not have such a rigid way of judging another's actions. Your standards as to how one should act sexually may not adhere to someone else's, but who is to say you are accurate?
While children are allowed to play and watch explicit violent content, sex remains a taboo topic. It is deemed socially acceptable for a child to watch a human being physically harm another, yet we like to cover their eyes when there's nudity or shame the concept of sex.
The definition of the word slut states that not only is it a woman who has many sexual partners but also a woman who is "dirty" or "unclean." We have taken a beautiful, natural physical encounter between people and categorized it as something derogatory and degrading.
Your sex life is just that, YOUR sex life. However, our society has formulated a set of standards to which all women must obey, including remaining sexually pure and monogamous. To violate these moral laws subjects you to the title "slut."
While you may not think twice about calling the girl down your hall this demeaning word, in reality, you are feeding into a vicious cycle of sexism and continual reproach of sexual freedom. Our society must understand that it does not matter whether you choose to never have sex, have sex with one person or become a porn star.
You are an independent, valuable woman. I challenge you to open up your mind to accept the authenticity and purity of all women, and ask yourself, "Why do I care?"