Dear Sis
As I watched you grow I slowly realized how I could never live up to the standards you have set in our family. I spend so much time trying to comprehend how much work you put in to get to where you are today. I constantly thought I would always be the one child in the family that was the disappointment, but day in and day out you always reminded me how I was good enough, and I could do anything I set my mind to. But no matter how old we get I will always look up to you. I love bragging about you to other people, not everybody can say their sister has a double masters in architecture. We’ve been through it all, from sharing a room when we were just little kids in pigtails to working a full time, 40 hours a week job together and all the moments in between. It wasn’t till my senior year in high school where we became not just sisters but best friends. Before that we would fight and argue about the most ridiculous stuff, but that's okay but we wouldn't be as close as we are now without getting all that fighting out of the way.
I want to personally thank you every single thing you have done for me, weather it was giving me advice about everything from boys to school, getting me a job or sneaking me out of the house to go get ice cream when I was grounded. The many memories we’ve made together, from wrestling each other, you trying to teach me a dance that usually lead to me whipping out and you laughing before helping me get up. We are pretty much polar opposites when it comes to personality, but that doesn’t stop us from getting along. You have helped me through my most difficult time thus far through my life. I know it was hard for you to understand just what I was going through because you had never experienced it. The many times I shut the door in or face or told you to shut up. You never stopped asking if I was okay and you never ever gave up on me. Even though I am away at college I will always know you’re just one phone call away. I am so excited for what the future will bring for us. I can’t wait to stand right by your side on your wedding day, even though I believe you will probably we standing next to me on my wedding day first. The days where we sit at a table with our kids telling about our many memories are upon us. Yes, you get on my nervous and you know how to push my button just the right way, but I have never been so honored to call you not only my sister, or best friend but my role model.
Love, Your #1 Fan