Dear Sissy,
It all started when you got the shirt saying “Best Big Sister” with sparkles and glitter all over it. Little did you know, your life would be forever changed. You would get the privilege of being my big sister. You would get to drive me to my friends’ houses when you had other plans with your high school boyfriend, you would get to deal with me listening in on the other end of the house phone while you talk about your drama with your bestie, and you would get to be my lifelong friend.
But in all seriousness, you are the biggest blessing that I have been given, even though at certain times in my life, I wished that I was an only child. Growing up with you was full of memories and name calling. We could go from calling each other “butt-head” and “annoying” to laughing at Dad’s facial expressions when he cooked something delicious. Of course, that was the best thing that he had ever cooked, even though he said that every Sunday meal.
Sorry for constantly sneaking in and hanging out with your friends in high school when you specifically told me not to and proceeded to kick me out every thirty minutes. Oh, I’m also (kind of) sorry for stealing your clothes every other day, even after you would yell at me at the top of your lungs telling me to never do it again. However, I’m not really sorry for never liking your previous boyfriends. They were never good enough for you in my eyes, and you had better things to do with your time than hang out with them, like buy more clothes that I could steal and try to get away with it. Most of all, I’m sorry for taking you for granted. When I was growing up, I never realized how important you really were to me. I didn’t realize that the little life lessons in the long car rides were actually going to help me survive middle school. I didn’t realize that you meant well, and I’m sorry. Just know that I love you and you mean the world to me now.
Thank you for teaching me that certain colors were just not meant to be worn together or even be near one another. Thank you for teaching me that the friend who walks all over you is not worth anybody’s time, especially mine. Thank you for being a role model who is determined, courageous, and compassionate. It has gotten me through the horrors of high school and has made me look forward to becoming a woman like you. Also, thank you for being a phone call away when I’m in need of a vent session about the most irrelevant things. I also want to say thank you for the countless memories, because when I am wondering what my purpose is in life, I remember it is to be your loving sister.
Your Little Sister