Dear Little Sister,
I just got off the phone with you, and you were talking away about how great school was, and how much you learned in everything you’ve been doing, from gymnastics to reading. I never thought I could miss someone as much as I did until I moved away to college, but here I am missing you every day I don’t see you! Right now, you’re probably arguing with Mom about bedtime… just like I did at your age, and your settling into bed with your 20 plus stuffed animals. I’m getting sidetracked again at all the many things I have taped up in front of my desk that revolve around you, from the many pictures you’ve drawn me, to photographs of us, to even small things like a sticker you’ve given to me. Everyone who knows me or will know me is aware that you are my little sister, and I at least talk about you more than once daily. So pretty girl, while you can’t read this right now, since your reading vocabulary is pretty limited right now, I HOPE someday you’re able to read this letter when you’re older and more mature. I also am praying that as you read the lists of hope I have for you, you’re able to check off most, if not all, my wishes for you
I hope that you’re able to keep a smile on that face, even during the tough times.
Things are going to get rougher for you, right now you are blissfully happy. But, as life goes on it’s going to be tough to always keep that pretty little smile on your face. I hope that you are able to stay positive, and keep that upbeat personality of yours, and always find something to smile about.
I hope you always know how loved you are, especially by me!
I always worry about you thinking I’ve forgotten about you, because life sometimes gets in my way of calling you daily like I would like to. I know I’m not always the best at contacting you, but I hope you can tell that when I’m with you, whether it be on person or on the phone, that I am trying my best to always give you my full attention, and love.
I hope you know I AM always on your side.
This gets tricky, because I know there will be some trivial times in the future where you’re going to disagree with what advice I’m going to give you. But I hope you know that I always am on your side. I will always be your voice as well when you’re not able to use your own. I will always put you first in whatever the circumstances because you deserve that.
I hope whomever you fall in love with someday, loves you unconditionally.
I hope whomever you fall in love with, loves you with all their heart. I hope they treat you with the upmost respect. Also that they love your spunky personality as much as I do.
I hope you learn from my mistakes, but that it’s okay for you to make mistakes too.
This is an important one, I hope you learn from me. I’ve had some slip ups in the past, and I’m not proud of them. But, at the drop of the hat I will tell you what I did wrong and what I learned from it. Right now you worry even at six about making mistakes. I hope that you remember the times I didn’t yell at you for spilling milk, or making an accident. That you know I did that for a bigger reason, so that someday you can see that it’s okay to slip up sometimes, and that I will never judge you on that.
Lastly, I hope you stay young as long as you can, and your bright spark never goes out.
Right now your imagination and personality is wild and endless. I hope you keep some of this as you get older. It will make the tougher times a little easier to get through. I see myself in you a lot when it comes to your loud personality. There will be times when people will tell you to dim it down some, but I hope I’m there to see you brighten it even more.
There’s so much more, that this list would go on for days. But, as time goes on I’ll tell you them as they come up. For now, I think this is enough. I hope you know I would never trade all the times we've had together, even when you would wake me up at 3 AM crying. I think at the end of the day the most important thing is that you know I will always be your #1 fan. I will always be on the sidelines watching you proudly.
Love you this much! -Sissy