As we run to Hallmark stores and buy special chocolates to prepare for the holiday known as Valentine’s Day, some people around us find this day to be exceptionally difficult. Maybe someone has lost their loved one, making this holiday a tough reminder of exactly what they lost, while everyone around them gets to celebrate with the person they love. Or maybe this holiday is rough for those who are single and unable to find someone they love. However, it is important to not get caught up in holidays as trivial as this one because we should be loving people around us on the daily basis, not just one day of the year.
This holiday should not bring tears from people or stressful arrangements or confusion about your love life. This holiday is simply about loving. Loving your husband, wife, siblings, cousins, boyfriend, and girlfriend—anyone in your life that makes you happy. St. Valentine is not just the patron saint of love, but he is also the saint of young people, travelers, and even beekeepers!
While this holiday may make you feel lonely, remember that there is always someone out there who cares deeply for you. There is always someone who loves you for exactly who you are. You do not need a paper card and a box of chocolates with weird fillings inside that you do not even like! You need to be surrounded by love of all sorts and love back. You are not alone. It may sometimes feel like you are lonely and have no one to talk to, but there is someone who is waiting with wide arms and a shoulder for you to lean on, somewhere out there in this world.
As Valentine’s Day comes near, I remember my grandmother, whose birthday was on this day. My family and I like to go out to dinner to commemorate and celebrate this day. So, to us, Valentine’s Day is something more than flowers and a card. It is almost always something more.
While you may feel alone as your friends go out on dates, remember that it will happen to you eventually. You will soon find exactly what you are searching for. Just hang out and wait for it. You will be pleasantly surprised on how amazing your life is going to work out.
Remember today and always, you are never alone.