Since I was three, I grew up with a single mom and two older sisters. I've only really known a life without a father figure. Some children aren't grateful enough to have both parents in their lives, and some children aren't lucky enough to experience what it's like to have just one. Single parents, this one's for you. Thank you.
1. For always putting your children first.
Even on your hardest days you think of us. You make sure we're taken care of and have what we need. During the times when you are completely and utterly drained you still make time for your children and ensure that you're doing your best.
2. For being two in one.
As a single parent you've played the role of both mom and dad. I want you to know that I know it's not always easy. I know you feel guilty for being the only parent that's around, but please don't blame yourself. Just know, you haven't failed and you never will. You do this job with so much grace and strength it's simply amazing.
3. For fighting with me.
We've fought countless of times, sometimes over silly things. Fighting means we both care which makes our relationship stronger and better.
4. For reminding me that you're proud.
Even in my most stressful of times you always remind me of how proud you are. Reassuring that you're proud of me for trying to make something of myself, even when I feel like I'm getting nowhere in life really makes a difference. When I make mistakes you always tell me that it's OK, show me how to fix it and help me move on.
5. For accepting me.
With all of my faults and the mistakes I've made you've continued to stick by me. You've always accepted me for who I am even when I wasn't exactly sure who that was. I'm pretty convinced that you know me better than I know myself.
6. For teaching me to be independent.
You taught me that I don't need a guy in order to be strong or OK. Because of you, I'm a strong and independent woman that knows she doesn't need someone to do everything for are proof of that. The person I am today has a lot to do with you teaching me this and for that I'm thankful.
7. For being the perfect role model.
Just like everyone else you make mistakes, but you admit to your faults. You've taught me to not judge others. You always told me, "You don't know what others have been through—so get to know them first," and "To help others in time of need or when you see them struggle, whether it be a friend or stranger because people are people."
8. For telling me to have faith in love.
You always remind me to keep an open mind about love... to never run scared, to never look at all guys as the same. You make sure that I know love can last when it's meant to be.
9. For never leaving.
Finally, thank you for staying with me. Thank you for never giving up especially when you didn't think you could handle being a single parent. I can't imagine a world with two parents; things would be so different. I am who I am today because of you and I hope you're proud. I know I don't always show it, but I'm forever grateful for being your child. Please never forget that.