Dear Senior Class,
If there was any advice I can give you about senior year, it’s college applications and how to decide on the right school. Personally, I had the most difficult time applying for schools and deciding where I wanted to attend in the upcoming fall semester. I always dreamed so big my freshman year, I knew my decision would change because I was changing. Sometimes it’s okay to go back and forth with a school choice because if you know you have options, it’s also important because it gives you the advantage to see which school perfectly fits you.
When it comes to applying for schools make sure you have options; it’s important to have two to three back-ups and your two reach schools. Also, look at two schools you would consider that have your top two choices of major. When you are applying for school don’t think about leaving your family behind, because before you put your deposit down you’re going to have constant thoughts on whether you should go to a school over two hours away or even more; distance is important, some circumstances are understandable but most people who go far away for certain reasons end up transferring back home next semester. You don’t want to waste a semester at a school and start all over. Try to visit all your schools on campus tours, talk to students who attend these colleges/universities, and make sure this is the school that makes you feel at home even if you are living on campus or commuting. Before you apply make sure you are comfortable with your decision and make sure that this would-be option for you. Don’t apply to schools that your friends attend, because you want to be with them either. Most important thing is to look up deadline dates for applications and the credentials for the application overall. You want to apply weeks before the deadline, because then your application won’t be considered last minute and viewed after all the other candidates. You want to secure your spot in admissions and by applying early you won’t have to worry about submitting late. If you apply early before the deadline that means you can get your essay and recommendations letters looked over to make sure they are the best they could be, this will impact your decision.
When it comes to picking the right school out of all the schools you got into is the most important, honestly it was the hardest decision for me. Look at your options, map it out with pros and cons. Eliminate schools until you have just three choices and sometimes when it’s just those three schools you would want to go to admitted students’ day and do an overnight stay, because this will give another insight of the school in a way that can impact your decision. You want this school to make you feel like home, you should be able to picture yourself in their school colors/attire for the next four years, and you should pick the school that is going to benefit you the most. You want to look at your options and see what is more accessible with financial aid, scholarships, and beneficial programs that will help you be a strong-minded individual. You should never pick a school based off their name, the degree and grades you receive is important. You want to be part of an amazing program, but if you know you can strive anywhere and save yourself time and money I would advise this. You want to take in fact the distance of the school, how often you can go home if emergencies, and the education the school offers. You want a school with active success, social life, and on-campus activities. You should look at the little things about your school you choose, then look at the big things; if both things fit you and make you feel content with your decision, don’t let anyone stop you from attending the school you wish to attend. At the end of the day, it’s your decision and your future.