Dear Self,
I know it's tough right now. That you don't want to go back after the break. But you have to keep pushing through the rest of this semester and I know everything will get better for you. You're a lot stronger than you think you are.
You need to learn not to be afraid to speak up for yourself. By that I mean you need to learn to speak up when something is bothering you. Learn how to open yourself up. I know you're not used to having people around you that are open and receptive, it's a whole new experience. But I know you can overcome your fear of being judged and you can make friends.
You need to learn that not everyone is going to be up to your standards. Not everyone is kind-hearted. Not everyone has your well-being in mind. Many people are cold hearted and cruel. You need to learn who's good and who's bad. By doing so, you will make life-long friends that will be a part of you that you won't ever forget.
You need to learn to take what everyone says to you that could potentially bring you down as a grain of salt. The little things that people say that are mean and said to intentionally to hurt you, simply do not matter. Those type of people does not matter. You're bigger, strong, and better than that.
You need to learn that you are doing the best that you can, and to everyone else that should be all that matters. You can only push yourself so far and if you keep pushing all the farther, you're only going to hurt yourself. Learn when enough is enough. Learn that you are only human and that everyone else's expectations of you come after you fulfill your own expectations for yourself.
You must learn to not be in constant worry. Sometimes when you worry, it's nothing. It doesn't really matter, and it won't matter later. You worry about the little things that don't need to be.
You will overcome this. You have everything under control, and you have so many people backing you. Don't sweat the little things, and move past the negativity.
Love, the inner you trying to break free.